
Thank you for exploring a volunteer role with the National Conference team. This is an incredible opportunity to help show the love and power of Jesus in a fun, engaging, and life-changing environment. We can’t do this without the help of amazing volunteers.

The most significant need for volunteer support is with our Kids and Youth Conferences; we will prioritize those spots first.

Secure your free or discounted registration now by committing to volunteer at the Kids or Youth Conference. We will accept a limited number of volunteers for the Adult Conference after the price increase on April 1.

Kids Conference

50% discount: 2 sessions (6 hrs)
Free registration: 4 sessions (12 hrs)

Apply now!

Youth Conference

50% discount: 2 sessions
Free registration: 4 sessions (or the all-day Wednesday outing)

Apply now!

Adult Conference

50% discount: 8 hrs
Free registration: 14 hrs
Limited Spots available

Apply starting April 1


Note: Please apply before registering for the conference. Our team will follow up with necessary paperwork, schedules, discount codes, etc via email.

Vineyard USA will try to accommodate special requests. However, the Events Team reserves the right to assign volunteers as needed. Kids/Youth Conferences receive priority and are scheduled first. 

Once a volunteer receives a discount code and is placed on the schedule, we cannot make changes between Kids, Youth, and Adult Conferences. 

The minimum age to volunteer is 16.

Email volunteers@vineyardusa.org with any questions.

Install the web app
