July 14–17, 2025
Vineyard Cincinnati Church
11340 Century Cir E
Springdale, OH 45246
Arrive anytime during the day
Check-In begins
4 pm
Main Session 1
7:30 – 9:30 pm
Family After Party
9:30 – 11:30 pm
RSVP during registration for family-friendly fun at a local restaurant and arcade. Please be sure to join us if this is your first Vineyard conference!
Main Session 2
9 – 11:30 am
Lunch and Role-Based Meetups
11:30 am – 3 pm
Main Session 3
3 – 5:30 pm
Dinner and Role-Based Meetups
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Main Session 4
9 – 11:30 am
Lunch and Role-Based Meetups
11:30 am – 3 pm
Main Session 5
3 – 5:30 pm
Dinner and Role-Based Meetups
5:30 – 7 pm
Night of Worship
7:30 – 9:30 pm
Main Session 6
9 – 11:30 am
Lunch and Role-Based Meetups
11:30 am – 3 pm
Main Session 7
3 – 5:30 pm
Dinner and Role-Based Meetups
5:30 – 7:00 pm
The Prayer Encounter Rooms are curated spaces for you to come and receive prayer or prophetic encouragement. It’s open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. More details coming soon.
After parties, Role-Based Meetups, Regional hangouts, and Association gatherings provide opportunities to connect with people who work in similar ministry areas. Sign up during registration for your specific area of ministry. Additional gatherings may be added, so be sure to check back as we approach conference dates.
We’re so glad you’ll be attending the National Conference. Our hope and prayer is that you will continue to show up and be present at our gatherings because our current (and next) generation of senior leaders needs your wisdom as they take the torch and run. Join us on Monday from 2:00 – 5:00 pm for an open house-style gathering with catered appetizers (drinks and meals will be available for purchase), lots of hugs, and a reunion with old friends as we share some new opportunities for you to continue investing in the future of the Vineyard. Come when you can and leave when you must.
Vineyard pastors all over the country serve in community, civil service, and military roles as chaplains. If you currently serve as a chaplain or are interested in learning more about this sacred calling, join us for breakfast on Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:30 am. We’ll share stories and encouragement, as well as ideas about how to equip more Vineyard churches to train and send out congregants as chaplains in their community.
Join us for a Special Luncheon.
This introduction to Vineyard USA Associations is open to everyone!
What to Expect:
Are you curious about what Vineyard USA Associations are all about and why they matter? This luncheon is a space to connect, learn, and engage in meaningful conversations about building community, fostering inclusivity, and empowering leaders.
We’ll share insights into the purpose of Associations, their impact, and how you can be a part of this journey. Come with your questions, ideas, and enthusiasm to learn more!
We look forward to connecting with you and sharing this exciting vision for our community.
Calling all you studious Vineyard folks who are interested in theological education in the Vineyard – either for yourself or for others! Grab some lunch and join us on Tuesday from 1:00 – 2:15 pm. We’ll spend some time in small groups getting to know each other, and then have a Q&A session with Caleb Maskell.
All Executive Pastors are invited to join us for dinner on Tuesday evening from 6:30 – 9:30 pm. Come enjoy a meal together, connect with other Executive Pastors in the Vineyard, and maybe add a few names to your contacts for ongoing friendship and support. Our hope is to pour into you, leaving you refreshed and encouraged for the next season before you. We hope you’ll join us. Cost for our catered meal is $15 per person.
Join us for our annual Lead Pastor dinner, generously sponsored by Convoy of Hope! We look forward to this event every year to connect, catch up & celebrate with friends – both old and new. We’ll enjoy hearty hors d’oeuvres at Freedom Street Social. Plus, hear a word of encouragement from Convoy of Hope and other Vineyard leaders.
Do you champion justice in your local church? Come to this Role-Based Meetup on Tuesday from 7:00 – 9:30 pm to get refreshed, equipped, and connected with others who are trying to “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk humbly with our God”. We have many challenges this coming year, and we want to have a space to meet God, minister to one another, and hear vision for where we’re headed as a movement as we try to pursue justice in the context of the local church.
Calling all worship leaders, team members, sound and tech crew. Join us Tuesday night from 7:30 – 9:00 PM for a time to worship together, explore the latest resources available for you and your church, and connect with new and old friends—including those conference-only besties! Afterward, we’ll keep the good vibes going with an extended hang at a local brewery.
Don’t miss this chance to gather as one big family—space is limited, so sign up now.
Calling all Young Adults (18-25)! Come hang with us on Tuesday night from 9:30 – 11:30 pm for a social gathering of your generation. We’ll have some late-night snacks, a fun environment where you can meet up with old friends and make some new ones as well. Be inspired and equipped to extend the Kingdom wherever you go.
Board Members, Trustees, and Elders have carried a significant weight for all Vineyard churches throughout the Bylaw Update process. And ongoing, you have an incredibly unique role in the life of a church. From knowing legal responsibilities and approving budgets to making the tough decisions during a crisis, you’re responsible for seeing the “big picture” of a church while still engaging in the daily life of a congregant and disciple of Jesus.
We’d love for you to join us for coffee and pastries on Wednesday morning from 7:00 – 8:30 am as we gather to celebrate the accomplishments of 2025, connect with those in similar roles, and be encouraged by the collective work of the Vineyard movement since the last time we gathered.
Attention all pastors/leaders who oversee the following groups: small groups, women’s and men’s ministry, marriage and young adults! We believe your role in the local church is vital! The direct care that you provide for these specific groups of people in your church that the Lord has highlighted to you is where lives are changed, marriages are restored, and journeying together is made a reality. We want to provide a space for you to meet and network with others in the Vineyard who are serving in a similar capacity, and to take some time to pour into you. Join us on Wednesday from 12:00 – 1:30 pm.
Calling all Campus Pastors/Leaders, Discipleship Pastors/Leaders, and Associate Pastors! We believe your role in the local church is vital! In many ways, you lead the way in carrying the vision and culture of your church and by providing direct support for your Lead Pastor. We want to provide a space for you to meet and network with others in the Vineyard who are serving in a similar capacity, and give you a few helpful tools to empower you in your role. (Note: If you function in one of these roles, as paid staff or volunteer, but do not hold the title of Pastor, this meeting is for you too.)
Are you a spiritual director or a trained coach? The Pastoral Health Team would love to gather with you! You might already be a member of our Vineyard USA Spiritual Direction or Coaching networks, or merely interested in connecting with other spiritual directors or coaches. Come meet others doing this work in other churches, hear from Danielle Pathak and the Pastoral Health Team, learn about our networks, and catch the vision for supporting the wider work of the Vineyard.
Grab lunch before you come—or enjoy the hearty snacks we’ll have on hand that will tide you over until you go to lunch after the workshop.
The Future is Bright for Vineyard Kids Pastors and Leaders. We can’t wait to hang out with friends from around the country who are investing in and ministering to kids each week. Grab lunch first before you join us as we gather together to share stories of what God is doing today in and through kids, catch up with old friends, and hopefully make new ones. Our hope is that you walk away excited to be a part of what God is doing. It’s always more fun when we are doing it with friends!
Are you passionate about bringing your church outside the four walls through the work of outreach and evangelism? As Wimber says, “The meat is in the streets!” Grab some lunch on Wednesday and then join us from 1:00 – 2:15 pm to share stories, and receive encouragement and inspiration to keep doing what the Father is doing — bringing life and love to our communities. AlphaUSA will be our special guest helping us be equipped to share the good news with our friends and neighbors.
Calling all Discerners, Planters, Starters, and Multipliers! Come join the Multiply Vineyard team as we gather with others along the path of church planting multiplication. You’ll hear a brief update from the Multiply team and strategic partners and have a chance to meet others who are on this journey as well.
Calling all Creatives and Communications Team members! Join us during lunch on Thursday for a time of connection and resource sharing. We’ll briefly introduce the Vineyard USA Communications and Creative team and share any news we have with you, but this is mainly just a casual time to gather and meet others who operate in a similar role as you in Vineyards across the country.
On Tuesday night, we’ll join the Vineyard Worship community for an extended hangout time!
Attendees will pay for their own lunch.
Come hang out with other Youth Leaders in the Vineyard! We’ll share a lunch, some stories, and some laughs. Reconnect with old friends, and make some new ones as well. Our hope is that you’ll leave refreshed and encouraged as you build friendships that last far beyond the conference. The cost for the meal is $10 per person.
Whether you’re the first face people see as they walk into the church at the reception desk or the “behind-the-scenes ninja” who manages all the schedules and details, we know that it’s really the administrative and support staff who keep churches functioning properly. If you operate in one of these roles at your church, we want to meet you! Grab some lunch and then join us on Thursday from 1:00 – 2:15 pm for connecting and encouragement.
We’re so glad you’ll be attending the National Conference Our hope and prayer is that you will continue to show up and be present at our gatherings because our current (and next) generation of senior leaders needs your wisdom as they take the torch and run. Join us on Monday from 2:00 – 5:00 pm for an open house-style gathering with catered appetizers (drinks and meals will be available for purchase), lots of hugs, and a reunion with old friends as we share some new opportunities for you to continue investing in the future of the Vineyard. Come when you can and leave when you must.
Calling all chaplains or folks looking for more info about this sacred opportunity. Vineyard pastors all over the country serve in communities, civil service, and military roles as chaplains. Let’s gather together for breakfast on Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:30 am to share stories and encouragement, and to see how we can invite more Vineyard churches to send out congregants to be chaplains in their community.
Join us for a Special Luncheon.
This introduction to Vineyard USA Associations is open to everyone!
What to Expect:
Are you curious about what Vineyard USA Associations are all about and why they matter? This luncheon is a space to connect, learn, and engage in meaningful conversations about building community, fostering inclusivity, and empowering leaders.
We’ll share insights into the purpose of Associations, their impact, and how you can be a part of this journey. Come with your questions, ideas, and enthusiasm to learn more!
We look forward to connecting with you and sharing this exciting vision for our community.
Calling all you studious Vineyard folks who are interested in theological education in the Vineyard – either for yourself or for others! Grab some lunch and join us on Tuesday from 1:00 – 2:15 pm. We’ll spend some time in small groups getting to know each other, and then have a Q&A session with Caleb Maskell.
All Executive Pastors are invited to join us for dinner on Tuesday evening from 6:30 – 9:30 pm. Come enjoy a meal together, connect with other Executive Pastors in the Vineyard, and maybe add a few names to your contacts for ongoing friendship and support. Our hope is to pour into you, leaving you refreshed and encouraged for the next season before you. We hope you’ll join us. Cost for our catered meal is $15 per person.
Join us for our annual Lead Pastor dinner, generously sponsored by Convoy of Hope! We look forward to this event every year to connect, catch up & celebrate with friends – both old and new. Enjoy a full dinner plus, hear a word of encouragement from Convoy of Hope and other Vineyard leaders.
Do you champion justice in your local church? Come to this Role-Based Meetup on Tuesday from 7:00 – 9:30 pm to get refreshed, equipped, and connected with others who are trying to “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk humbly with our God”. We have many challenges this coming year, and we want to have a space to meet God, minister to one another, and hear vision for where we’re headed as a movement as we try to pursue justice in the context of the local church.
Calling all worship leaders, team members, and sound and tech crew. Join us Tuesday night from 7:30 – 9:00 pm for a time to worship together, explore the latest resources available for you and your church, and connect with new and old friends—including those conference-only besties! Afterward, we’ll keep the good vibes going with an extended hang at a local brewery.
Don’t miss this chance to gather as one big family—space is limited, so sign up now.
Drinks and food are on your own at the Brewery.
Calling all Young Adults (18-25)! Come hang with us on Tuesday night from 9:30 – 11:30 pm for a social gathering of your generation. We’ll have some late-night snacks, a fun environment where you can meet up with old friends and make some new ones as well. Be inspired and equipped to extend the Kingdom wherever you go.
Board Members, Trustees, and Elders have carried a significant weight for all Vineyard churches throughout the Bylaw Update process. And ongoing, you have an incredibly unique role in the life of a church. From knowing legal responsibilities and approving budgets to making the tough decisions during a crisis, you’re responsible for seeing the “big picture” of a church while still engaging in the daily life of a congregant and disciple of Jesus. We’d love for you to join us for coffee and pastries on Wednesday morning from 7:00 – 8:30 am as we gather to celebrate the accomplishments of 2025, connect with those in similar roles, and be encouraged by the collective work of the Vineyard movement since the last time we gathered.
Calling all Campus Pastors/Leaders, Discipleship Pastors/Leaders, and Associate Pastors! We believe your role in the local church is vital! In many ways, you lead the way in carrying the vision and culture of your church and by providing direct support for your Lead Pastor.
We want to provide a space for you to meet and network with others in the Vineyard who are serving in a similar capacity, and give you a few helpful tools to empower you in your role. (Note: If you function in one of these roles, as paid staff or volunteer, but do not hold the title of Pastor, this meeting is for you too)
Attention all pastors/leaders who oversee the following groups: small groups, women’s and men’s ministry, marriage and young adults! We believe your role in the local church is vital! The direct care you provide for these specific groups of people in your church that the Lord has highlighted to you is where lives are changed, marriages are restored, and journeying together is made a reality. We want to provide a space for you to meet and network with others in the Vineyard who are serving in a similar capacity, and to take some time to pour into you.
The Future is Bright for Vineyard Kids Pastors and Leaders. We can’t wait to hang out with friends from around the country who are investing in and ministering to kids each week. Grab lunch first before you join us as we gather together to share stories of what God is doing today in and through kids, catch up with old friends, and hopefully make new ones. Our hope is that you walk away excited to be a part of what God is doing. It’s always more fun when we are doing it with friends!
Are you passionate about building a culture of hospitality, curiosity, and evangelism in your church? Alpha is an accessible program that can be the cornerstone of discipleship at your church. Intrigued?
Grab some lunch on Wednesday and then join us from 1:00 – 2:15 pm to share stories, and receive encouragement and inspiration as we see how Alpha can help churches of all sizes extend the table to see more and more people meet Jesus and grow into lifelong disciples. AlphaUSA will be our special guest sharing more about Alpha, Alpha Youth, and Alpha Marriage.
Are you a spiritual director or a trained coach? The Pastoral Health Team would love to gather with you! You might already be a member of our Vineyard USA Spiritual Direction or Coaching networks, or merely interested in connecting with other spiritual directors or coaches. Come meet others doing this work in other churches, hear from Danielle Pathak and the Pastoral Health Team, learn about our networks, and catch the vision for supporting the wider work of the Vineyard.
Grab lunch before you come—or enjoy the hearty snacks we’ll have on hand that will tide you over until you go to lunch after the workshop.
Calling all Discerners, Planters, Starters, and Multipliers! Join the Multiply Vineyard team for dinner as we gather with others along the path of church planting multiplication. You’ll hear a brief update from the Multiply team and strategic partners and have a chance to meet others who are on this journey as well.
Calling all Creatives and Communications Team members! Join us during lunch on Thursday for a time of connection and resource sharing. We’ll briefly introduce the Vineyard USA Communications and Creative team and share any news we have with you, but this is mainly just a casual time to gather and meet others who operate in a similar role as you in Vineyards across the country.
On Tuesday night, we’ll join the Vineyard Worship community for an extended hangout time!
Attendees pay for their own lunch.
What can the church do to bring healing to our communities?
Join us for this interactive Outreach Role-Based Meetup hosted by Cincinnati Vineyard’s Healing Center, a dynamic space for healing of all kinds. This Role-Based Meetup will be a self-guided tour of ministries and programs that make up The Healing Center. There will be ample opportunities to chat with staff about their work and how your church could get involved in the work of loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly with our God.
We’ll begin at 12:30 pm with a brief introduction. Feel free to come anytime between 12:30 – 2:15 pm to tour the Healing Center.
Come hang out with other Youth Leaders in the Vineyard! We’ll share a lunch, some stories, and some laughs. Reconnect with old friends, and make some new ones as well. Our hope is that you’ll leave refreshed and encouraged as you build friendships that last far beyond the conference. The cost for the meal is $10 per person.
Whether you’re the first face people see as they walk into the church at the reception desk or the “behind-the-scenes ninja” who manages all the schedules and details, we know that it’s really the administrative and support staff who keep churches functioning properly. If you operate in one of these roles at your church, we want to meet you! Grab some lunch and then join us on Thursday from 1:00 – 2:15 pm for connecting and encouragement.