Kenn Gulliksen
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Founder of first Vineyard Church
Kenn Gulliksen

Kenn Gulliksen started a church in West LA in 1974 known as the first Vineyard church.

Average people, as well as actors and musicians whose names would be familiar to us today (Bob Dylan, T-Bone Burnett, Keith Green), were connected with Gulliksen and the Vineyard.

From Gulliksen’s church, the first Vineyards were planted in 1975. Believing that God had instructed him to do so, Kenn officially gave the name “Vineyard” (from Isaiah 27:2-3; John 15:5) to this association of churches, and led them for about five years. By 1982, there were at least seven “Vineyards” in a loose-knit fellowship of churches.

In the early 80s John and Carol Wimber, who had become a part of Calvary Chapel, converged with Kenn’s church and after becoming friends, it was clear to Kenn that John was emerging as the leader of the growing network of Vineyard churches. The official recognition of this transition took place in 1982: the emergence of what was to be called the “Association of Vineyard Churches.”

Kenn went on to plant numerous churches on the west and east coasts and now lives in Los Angeles with his wife Joanie. He is a soft-spoken, kind man and we’re so grateful for the time spent talking with us for this conference.

Speakers, hosts, and storytellers include a variety of Vineyard leaders and friends of the Vineyard.

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