Adam Russell
Director of Vineyard Worship (USA)
Adam Russell

Adam Russell is the Director of Vineyard Worship (USA). In his role as Director, Adam brings his experience as a songwriter, worship leader, and senior pastor together to help guide and direct Vineyard Worship in living out its core purpose, which is to gather the worship community, train worship leaders, and make compelling records of the songs that God births in our wider movement. Additionally, Adam serves as a Vineyard USA Trustee and also leads his home church, Vineyard Campbellsville.

As a writer of many well-known songs in the Vineyard movement (“Let Your Kingdom Come,” “High King of Heaven,” “Name Above All Names,” “Folks Like Us”), Adam has also produced several records for Vineyard Worship (Promises of Wonder, All Things Rise, Kyrie Eleison, Wear The Crown).  In addition, he has traveled extensively inside and outside the Vineyard training and encouraging worship leaders, songwriters, and creatives.

“Vineyard Worship has been a huge blessing to the global Church, and that call is still valid,” Adam reminds us. “We are only one little thread in God’s worldwide tapestry, but we are a part, and we must sing our song, and give our gift.” Adam’s hope is that the Vineyard would love God first and most and that one aspect of our devotion would be songs that move God’s heart.

Adam and his wife Heather live with their four children on a small farm in rural Kentucky where they also grow grapes and make wine.

Speakers, hosts, and storytellers include a variety of Vineyard leaders and friends of the Vineyard.

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