What an incredible week we’ve had together!
Please provide honest feedback and perspective about the conference. We read these and take action, so please share about your experiences (positive and negative) and anywhere we can improve.
We’ve been posting the video clips from Jay’s interviews with John Mark Comer, Carmen Imes, and Henry Cloud, and Kenn Gulliksen to our YouTube channel. Watch them again and share them out! The full sessions will be available in a couple of weeks.
Bless you as you go! See you soon!
In this unique moment in our history, we want to celebrate all God has done in and through the Vineyard.
So, on August 4, 2024, we invite you to participate with us in Vineyard USA’s Day of Giving, which we are calling Seed & Soil: Celebrating 50 Years as Vineyard.
We invite you to take a moment to pause and thank God for all that He has birthed in the soil of the hearts of those who call a Vineyard their church home.
Consider this day a chance to give back to the extended Vineyard family all across the United States for all that God has done in you and for you.
Regional Conferences will held in our 9 regions in the Fall of 2024.
These will be important meetings for every lead pastor to attend as we’ll be discussing Ordination & Bylaws updates as part of our agenda.
Jimmy Mellado is the president of Compassion.
Nicky and Pippa Gumbel are pioneers of the Alpha Course and Nicky was also the previous leader of Holy Trinity Brompton in London.
Have you checked out the Gallery? Wonderful photos from the early days to present that tell our Vineyard story.
Well.. last night was incredible. What a joy to be reminded of the story we’re all part of — remembering where we have come from and where we’re going.
Here’s a Spotify playlist of the classic songs we sang.
Jay and Dr. Charles shared in yesterday’s afternoon session their talks originally shared at the Better Together conference in April 2024 about Beloved Community.
Check out a recap of Better Together and other talks from that conference.
Josh Williams is the Associate National Director of Evangelism and Justice for Vineyard USA as well as the lead pastor of Elm City Vineyard church in New Haven, CT.
Josh studied at Yale University where he has an MDiv in American Studies and Ethnicity, Race and Migration. He is passionate about introducing people to the living God, inside and outside of the church.
I came to the Vineyard the Sunday after I graduated from Yale University. A new Vineyard started that fall right on our city green and people kept telling me to check out the church. I’d never been badgered like that…for church. I was heading to Yale Divinity School and looking to transition from my student church. When I walked in, I was struck by how interactive everything was. We sang a bunch. We prayed a bunch. We talked about justice. The church was growing in multi-ethnicity. Most folks seemed all-in. Immediately, I started inviting my friends (just like others had done with me). To my surprise, even when they didn’t like aspects of the church, almost all of them had interactions with God. Invite someone to meet with God…even when they’re put off by religion? I was hooked, and I haven’t looked back since.
I have to go old school here. John Wimber. As someone who never met John Wimber, I have been profoundly impacted by his life. Particularly, I’m moved by Wimber’s capacity to fail and to persevere in that failure. I hope I would have kept praying for healing after seeing people get sicker. But Wimber did! We have such a legacy from that perseverance. It’s inspired me in my own power ministry journey along with the many failures I’ve had on my justice and multi-ethnicity journey. Lastly, I’m really moved by Wimber’s fascination with worship as a place of connection with God and his conviction that God’s mercy leads to compassion and justice. There is so much beauty in his life to continually be inspired by.
2015. Vineyard Columbus. Dr. Charles Montgomery speaking on one day’s notice after someone else got sick will always be legendary to me. Doc’s message tore the house down (of course), but it’s what happened next that made me ask the Lord to keep me in the movement for the long haul. Martin Buehlmann, coming to the conference from Germany, did not even give his message. He simply led ministry time after Charles’ talk. He called for repentance, especially for a myopic and closed worldview of what Jesus following, Christianity, and church could look like —mostly along racial lines. Some responded to that word. We waited longer. Then, Phil came up and led us into more repentance. We waited longer. Finally, John Mumford came up with Phil and continued. Spirit-led…repentance? Ministry time based on centuries-long division among continents? All because Vineyard responded to the Spirit when someone got sick. “We only do what the Father is doing” got a whole new meaning for me that week. I was overwhelmed and amazed – then and still now.
I love that national conferences feel like family reunions. If it doesn’t feel that way yet, it will. It does take some time. But now, I just see friend after friend. I see people who are heroes to me, not usually because of traditional ministry markers of success but rather because I know that couple went through cancer, church conflict and betrayal, or a season where their city was against them. At Vineyard conferences I see wounded healers raise their hands in surrender, signing up again. These are experiences where we are marked as people of the Kingdom. How is God marking you?
Holy and Anointed One. The simplicity of this song is wild. There is so much space – for reflection, for ad-libbing, for more singing, for God. The lyrics reflect some of my most basic prayers – a gentle desperation for God.
Honey on my lips. Water to my soul. Lamp unto my feet. I love you. I love you.
I love it when my favorite worship leader, Tina, sings this one.
I am continuing to learn how God used Dr. King’s nonviolent movement to disciple the church. We often think of Dr. King as a singular leader who gave speeches as opposed to a teacher and shepherd who tried to disciple the church into peace, justice, and beloved community. The teaching framework of nonviolence doesn’t just help you deal with a protest against an oppressive power. Mostly, it changes you. Your marriage. Your friendships. Nonviolence helps us realize how much we go to war over things that are our daily discipleship struggles. At that point, we can realize how much peace and nonviolence will actually cost us. We can surrender and sign up to be a follower of The Way. At that point of emptiness, the Holy Spirit can change us.
I loved developing and leading Seeking the Heart of Your City or Town for regions across the Vineyard. It was amazing to hear concrete stories of people who didn’t just do the work themselves, but who invited others in — leaders, congregants, and people in their community – to love their neighborhoods with the love of Jesus.
This fall has the potential to be one of the most challenging ones in our nation’s history. While I hope that’s not true, we have to be sober and aware of the division in our country and the possibility for that division to get worse, not better. I am excited to help equip the Vineyard with a set of resources and practices to guide us through these challenges. The Vineyard has a special calling to see things through a both/and lens and to call on God for present power to get through the political gridlock of the day.
The strongest moments in my discipleship happened as I waited for the next step in what I thought was my calling. That sounds backward, but it’s been true. As I’ve been stuck or slowed or distracted or disobedient, God has almost always provided some kind of consecration for me that got me clear-eyed and sober to the fact that Jesus is my master, not my genie. I can think of God asking me to stay in the local church versus planting faster than I was supposed to simply because the tensions were growing too strong. I can think of God asking me to hold a candle of justice and wait for others to pull out their own candles instead of me trying to light everything on fire. I can think of God giving me the courage to apply for this role from a place of waiting when the world was on fire and all we knew was on pause during early Covid. I don’t like to wait but when I do, God shows up.
Tom Lin is the President of InterVarsity.
Christina Lowery is the Associate National Director of Church Health & Development.
She is also co-pastor of Crossroads Church in Fredericksburg, VA.
Christina finds great joy in preaching and teaching, leadership development, and building systems that foster church health and growth.
In 2001, my husband Joel and I moved to Tyler, TX to work for a ministry called Teen Mania. Our friends, Kevin & Shanygne (who are now Vineyard Pastors in South Dakota) invited us to check out the Tyler Vineyard, Pastored by Andy Fauss. From the moment we stepped into the building, we knew we were home and we had found “our people.” Andy and his wife Noreen discipled and developed our leadership, and eventually asked us to join the pastoral team. It was during that time that they began to encourage us to think about church planting. It blew my mind that the Vineyard was all about raising up leaders and being willing to release them for the advancement of the Kingdom! Six years after landing at the Tyler Vineyard, we were blessed and sent back to Fredericksburg, Virginia to plant Crossroads Vineyard Church where we have been pastoring for 16 years!
I could fill this whole page talking about the leaders who have most influenced my life, both within and outside of the Vineyard! But if I could speak specifically, as a woman in ministry, there have been a handful of Vineyard leaders who saw something in me that I did not yet see. They called leadership out in me, encouraged me to step out of the shadows, and to be confident in the gifting and calling God had blessed me with. Andy Fauss in Tyler, TX was the first male pastor in my life who saw me as an individual with leadership potential, and not just “part of the package” as Joel’s wife. My Regional leaders over the years, Phil Strout, John Elmer, Andy Meade, and Phil Chorlian have all encouraged me at different points in my ministry to be courageous and confident in my calling as a pastor and leader. Before she became my dear friend and mentor, Di Leman prophetically affirmed me as a pastor, a moment I will never forget! I am so grateful to be a part of a movement that not only welcomes female pastors and leaders but wants them!
The most formative seasons for me have been in seasons of suffering and hardship. In the Fall of 2018, at the peak of our church’s growth, we were blindsided by a major betrayal with leaders in our church. Around four months later due to other circumstances, my husband Joel resigned as lead pastor and I continued to lead without him.
As you can imagine, I had so many questions and fears. What I experienced over the next year, however, was that the Good Shepherd would lead me through the darkest valley of my life. Sometimes, He would have to firmly prod and push me just to keep me moving forward. Other times, I sat at a table prepared for me in the presence of my enemies. Even in the midst of such confusion, I experienced a capacity of leadership that I didn’t know was possible for me and the way that I am naturally wired. Despite a significant drop in attendance, more people committed their lives to Jesus and were baptized than any other year in our church’s history. We raised the final $150,000 of our capital campaign. I can see now that as hard as this season was, it was a catalyst for my growth, preparing me for what was to come in my current role as an AND. And God is so good. Through lots of hard work, our marriage has never been better. Our kids love Jesus, and they love the church. Joel returned to the Lead Pastor role in 2020, and we led through the pandemic together. When I took on this national role in 2021, Joel took on full Senior Leadership and our church is thriving. I do know this for sure, I would not be where I am today if I had not been tested in the fire!
I have so many wonderful conference memories, but I must say…last year’s morning worship led by our Associations was FIRE! I loved the different cultural expressions and musical styles and didn’t want any of these sessions to end! Truly a taste of heaven!
In Acts, we see the Holy Spirit move in powerful, miraculous ways when the people of God worship and pray with one mind, and of one accord. I am praying the same prayer that Jesus prayed for us in John 17, that we would become one, as He and the Father are one. I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate 50 years than to come together with one mind and of one accord…and expect the Holy Spirit to move in power!
Hands down, I am most excited to launch Vineyard Leadership Essentials | Foundations & Formation, a 1-year leadership development track designed to move potential and current leaders in your church through a Leadership Pathway. We aim to equip and empower your church to embrace a paradigm of multiplication at every level, and to raise up the next generation of Vineyard leaders, church planters, and pastoral successors! We believe that a shift from fishing to farming will promote health in our movement and for generations to come!
Simon Ponsonby is a pastor of theology at St Aldates, Oxford in the UK.
John Mark Comer was the founding pastor at Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon. He’s also a New York Times bestselling author of seven books, including Practicing the Way, the bestselling The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, and Live No Lies, God Has a Name, and Garden City.
Today, he’s developing new practices, courses, and podcasts for Practicing the Way and serving as a teacher in residence at Vintage Church LA.
Caleb Maskell serves as the Associate National Director (AND) of Theology & Education for Vineyard USA.
He has been involved in leadership in the Vineyard movement for twenty-five years, in numerous churches including Hyde Park Vineyard in Chicago, Elm City Vineyard Church in New Haven Connecticut, Blue Route Vineyard outside of Philadelphia, and currently at East Denver Vineyard.
Caleb studied at University of Chicago before earning a MDiv from Yale Divinity School and PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary focusing on the history of American religion with an additional emphasis in African-American Studies. He worked as the Associate Director of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, taught at Fordham College, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Swarthmore College and served as the Executive Secretary of the American Society of Church History.
He lives at the intersection between academic study and the practical realities of church planting.
We sat down with Caleb to hear some of his story and what he’s currently excited about with regard to Theology & Education.
I came into the Vineyard in 1995, in the midst of a wonderful empowering season of spiritual renewal that was mainly connected to what we now call “The Toronto Blessing.” When I was a high school senior, I went to some renewal meetings at the New Haven Vineyard in southern Connecticut and had a powerful encounter with God. Subsequently, I actually moved to Toronto to do a gap year before college at what was then called the Toronto Airport Vineyard. It was an incredible experience to be present at the high point of what we can now tell was a significant, worldwide move of God. Learning to do ministry in that context – leading worship every day, serving on the prayer team several nights a week, being taught by Vineyard leaders like Don Williams and David Ruis – was radically galvanizing.
When I left Toronto, I went to college in Chicago and immediately began attending the Evanston Vineyard. I could not be more grateful to leaders like Steve and Cindy Nicholson, Rand Tucker, and Ted Kim, who helped create space for me to learn to integrate my love of learning and my life with God – seeing clearly that they were not two separate things, but one thing that God was blessing. As a college sophomore, I joined the team that was planting Hyde Park Vineyard Church, and ever since I’ve been living in pursuit of the Kingdom-centered intersection between the life of the mind and the biblically-rooted, Spirit-led ministry at the heart of the Vineyard movement. I’m so grateful!
So many leaders in the Vineyard have been so kind to me that I could never make an adequate list. However, let me take a moment to remember the late Don Williams. Don was a brilliant New Testament scholar as well as a stunning exegetical preacher. I have never known anyone to preach with such an electrifying combination of genuinely intellectual erudition and passion for Jesus and his coming kingdom. As one of the earliest Vineyard theologians, Don was not at all stuffy or high-minded – he preached as if the lives of his hearers depended on it, and they often did.
Don knew that the heart of Christian discipleship was rooted in imitating Jesus. Jesus taught his disciples not just to be saved by his sacrifice for them, and to not just listen to his teaching, but in fact to personally imitate the things that he did. This truth lay at the center of Don’s message – and at the center of his life and ministry.
On many occasions, Don invited me to join him in ministry contexts, as well as into personal conversations – and, no matter what else we were discussing, it was never long before he reminded me of the call to imitate Jesus. I am so grateful for his mentorship, and I pray that we can honor his memory – as well as so many other Vineyard leaders who have come before us – by faithfully stewarding the calling that God has placed on the Vineyard to be a movement that worships Jesus by learning to imitate him – his words, his works, and his way of life.
Oh man. So many! From “Faithful One” to “Familia,” I love how many songs we have written. As a movement, we write music because we love the Lord – our hearts overflow with songs to God and songs about God and songs about who we are in God. It is so wonderful to be part of a singing people.
However, if I had to pick one song today to be played at my funeral – it would probably be “All Things Rise” by Sam Yoder. That song is lyrically masterful, theologically profound, and…it’s a banger! I’m so grateful for Sam, for Adam Russell, and for the whole worship community in Campbellsville, Kentucky who have served our movement so well for so long. As they say, Central Kentucky is the future!
Dallas Willard often quoted the great Christian philosopher Blaise Pascal who said “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Our inability to find inner stillness – and more specifically to obey the scriptural command to “be still and know that I am God” – is one of the great spiritual sicknesses of our modern age. It is certainly a sickness that has afflicted me for most of my life.
Over the past few years, I’ve been on a journey of learning how to be obedient to that biblical command by developing practices of silence and solitude in the presence of God. To be honest, these practices really cut against the grain of my natural tendencies, but they have proven hugely beneficial and fruitful in my life with Jesus. By incorporating silence and solitude into my devotional life, I’m meeting the Lord in profound and exciting ways that feel so essential for the moment I’m in. I’m truly grateful to God for His faithful presence, as well as to wise friends who have helped me and taught me at key points on this journey.
I feel deeply grateful for the way our shared work on the Vineyard ordination project has come together over the past year or so. I believe the Vineyard movement has been given a charism – a gift from God for the sake of the Church and the world – that we must faithfully steward. I think that the clarity about our identity and mission that is emerging from our work around ordination will help Vineyard people steward that gift for generations to come. I pray we are setting the Vineyard up to be a place where our children and grandchildren can be rooted and grounded in the love of God, learning how to bear the easy yoke of Jesus and fight the good fight of faith.
Pete Hughes is the founding pastor and vicar of Kings Cross Church (KXC) in London.
“Breathe” and “Eres Mi Respirar” are brand new recordings of the iconic Vineyard Worship song, “Breathe.”
This bilingual (English and Spanish), dual single featuring Tina Colón Williams, provides an approachable reimagined arrangement with a slightly modern gospel twist. “Breathe” is a timeless anthem of hope that has resonated with worshippers worldwide for decades through simple yet profound lyrics, “And I, I am desperate for You. And I, I am lost without You.”
Vineyard Worship’s prayer for the latest recording is that this reimagined version will help generations unlock deeper intimacy with the living God.
Listen to Breathe and Eres Mi Respirar on your music streaming platform of choice!
Vineyard Worship exists to gather, train, document, and inspire the worship community in the Vineyard and beyond.
If you are a worship leader or worship team member, join us in exploring what it means to be a worship leader in the Vineyard movement. Our Essentials series, led by experienced Vineyard worship leaders, offers a comprehensive training program for worship leaders at all stages of development. Each module delivers topical teaching on essential worship leadership skills, including musical proficiency, leading a team, and creating a worshipful environment.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to hone your skills, we’re excited for you to discover how God is calling you to this incredible ministry of leading others into worship. Join one of our upcoming cohorts and take the next step in your journey!
For more information visit vineyardworship.com/essentials
¡Las cohortes también están disponibles en español!
Danielle Pathak serves as the Associate National Director (AND) of Pastoral Health & Formation for Vineyard USA.
She spent several years as the Staff and Spiritual Formation Pastor for the Mile High Vineyard, a family of neighborhood churches in the Denver area. She holds a deep conviction that a pastor’s life must be cultivated and intentionally tended to, with a contemplative, wholistic yet mission-oriented framework.
We sat down with Danielle to hear some of her story and what she’s currently excited about with regard to Pastoral Health and Formation.
I was around 13 years old when my family found their way through the doors of the Columbus Vineyard. I remember it being so different from my conservative experience growing up. I felt like I was soaking up every space I was in: crazy weird youth group activities and retreats, classes on gifting, teaching that taught me how to think about the Bible, experiences with the Holy Spirit, and intimate worship. So many people in that church embraced our family and showed concrete love for a family that was hurting. They walked my family through a very difficult time and provided stability where internally we didn’t have any. I will be forever grateful for my time there. I attended Columbus Vineyard until my husband and I planted a church in our mid-twenties.
When I was in my early twenties, I remember walking in the back of the sanctuary during a conference (I can’t remember now what the conference was or who was on stage!) But I watched the speaker for a bit talking about relational health and remember clear as day a thought came to mind “You are going to do this one day.” I was a young adult going to university and was quite surprised, honestly thinking I made that up. Maybe 15 years later I remembered that moment and felt God confirm that indeed He was speaking and showing me vision for my life back then.
But when I think of how to answer this question, I also want to share about all the key moments of receiving freedom from the prayers prayed over me, the healing from working through my story, the therapy to gain the tools I needed for the next stage, the intentional spaces where I showed up because I was so hungry to learn more, and the intentional discipleship of leaders.
There was a two-day stretch in my early 30s where I could tell a season was shifting for me; I was gaining more energy and desire to lead. I also knew that I needed to draw away to be still and sort through some things with the Lord. I went to a hotel as a retreat away from home and over the course of those days, experienced a tenderness from Jesus that affirmed all the internal work I had done up to that point- the work no one sees. He encouraged me to speak out loud some desires I had in ministry and for our church. From that moment on, I felt completely different- I was more assured and confident in what the Lord was doing and how I was to participate in His work around me. It was a pivotal moment for me to experience in my journey of leadership.
There was a memorable experience several years ago in Anaheim at a national conference that Jay and I attended with our 2 young girls. Our youngest was having a TOUGH time and we kept getting called out of every session- so much so that our friends started making fun of us every time her number would pop up on the screen. After a couple of days, we were actually wondering why we even tried to come because it felt like a ton of wasted effort. We were also discouraged with our stage of church, asking the Lord big questions about even being a part of the Vineyard, whether this was our spiritual family to grow old with.
After one of the main sessions, I walked out front with the girls while Jay pulled up the car. I sat down on the curb and was feeling quite defeated. A random lady came over and sat next to me, my girls, and all of our stuff. I didn’t know her but she looked right at me and said, “It’s ok- you are going to make it! This season is so hard and you are doing a good job. The Lord sees you.” She then got up and disappeared. I called her my angel for years because it didn’t even seem real but it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. AND what she wasn’t aware of was that her words spoke to the season of parenting as well as the season of ministry we were experiencing. After that conference and the experiences we had during that week, we were confident this was the community we wanted to be a part of.
One of my favorite things about our national conferences is the sense of excitement and expectation we all bring to the room! As pastors, we get so excited to see friends from all over the country who we may not see more than once a year. Or we can’t wait to worship. I love that every ministry time is packed because we all want a specific moment from the Lord to affirm, heal, or challenge us. I pray that this summer we all have a collective sense from the Lord in this unique time of celebrating 50 years- that we move forward in a united way, owning and forgiving the past while taking the best into the future.
Oh, how could I even pick one? I absolutely love “You Meet Me Here” every time it is sung. Any song that describes the beauty and kindness of God, the utter grace that God has for us is so inviting. “All Who Are Thirsty” and “Breathe” are favorites as well. I remember those songs growing up and loving the gentleness of these worship songs.
I am quite proud of the work my team has done to launch two financial education cohorts for lead pastors. We know this is a critical area of life that can cause significant stress for our pastors and which VUSA has an opportunity to step in and support. Currently, we have 54 pastors/ spouses participating in a two-year learning community with coaches and mentors supporting them and they’re starting to see some significant change within their households in terms of debt reduction, saving for emergencies, and also planning for retirement. I am looking forward to the continued work we are going to do over many more years…
This year my team is doing some very intentional work building a spiritual directors’ network where we can more clearly define what a spiritual director’s role is in a leader’s life as well as have some clear expectations of what VUSA would ask of a spiritual director serving in the Vineyard. We will be hosting a gathering at each national conference to start this conversation and then will work throughout the fall to gather this community together in different ways.
This web app will help orient you to what’s happening during the conference. Download the app by going to seedandsoil.app from your device and following the prompts to ‘Add to homescreen’. That will install the web app on your device for easy access.
In addition to practical content like schedule, speaker bios, map, bonus content, and more so check back each day for more!
If you have any issues, don’t hesitate to email us at webmaster@vineyardusa.org.
We’ll send you text reminders throughout the week. Don’t worry… you can opt out by replying STOP. If you didn’t register with your number, opt in for general conference reminders by texting SCHEDULE to 1-833-247-5447. For kids or youth conference updates, text KIDS or YOUTH to that same number.
Either find a volunteer or Vineyard USA staff member, or text us at 1-833-247-5447. If you’re in an emergency situation, please call 911 first and then connect with us.
Arrive anytime during the day
Check-In begins
4 pm
Main Session 1
7:30 – 9:30 pm
Jay Pathak with Kenn Gulliksen via video
After Hours @ Main Event in West Chester
9 pm – Midnight | Location →
Join us for family-friendly fun & games, especially if this is your first Vineyard conference
Main Session 2
9 – 11:30 am
AAPI Association host & devotional / Jay Pathak with John Mark Comer via video
Lunch and Meet-ups
11:30 am – 3 pm
Main Session 3
3 – 5:30 pm
Caleb Maskell with Carmen Imes via video
Dinner and Meet-ups
Lead Pastor Dinner
6:30 – 9:30 pm
Main Session 4
9 – 11:30 am
Black Pastors & Leaders Association host & devotional / Jay Pathak with John Mark Comer via video
Lunch and Meet-ups
11:30 am – 3 pm
Optional tour of The Healing Center facility
1 – 2:30 pm
Main Session 5
3 – 5:30 pm
Dr. Charles Montgomery, Jr
Dinner and Meet-ups
5:30 – 7 pm
A Story of the Vineyard in Song
7:30 – 9:30 pm
Curated by Vineyard Worship
Main Session 6
9 – 11:30 am
Hispanic Association host & devotional / Jay Pathak with John Mark Comer via video
Lunch and Meet-ups
11:30 am – 3 pm
Main Session 7
3 – 5:30 pm
Jay Pathak with Dr. Henry Cloud via video followed by Danielle Pathak
Dinner and Meet-ups
Andy Crouch is partner for theology and culture at Praxis, a venture-building ecosystem advancing redemptive entrepreneurship. His writing explores faith, culture, and the image of God in the domains of technology, power, leadership, and the arts. He is the author of five books (plus another with his daughter, Amy Crouch): The Life We’re Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World, The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place, Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, and Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling.
Andy serves on the governing board of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. For more than ten years he was an editor and producer at Christianity Today, including serving as executive editor from 2012 to 2016. He served the John Templeton Foundation in 2017 as senior strategist for communication. His work and writing have been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, and several editions of Best Christian Writing and Best Spiritual Writing—and, most importantly, received a shout-out in Lecrae’s 2014 single “Non-Fiction.”
From 1998 to 2003, Andy was the editor-in-chief of re:generation quarterly, a magazine for an emerging generation of culturally creative Christians. For ten years he was a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Harvard University. He studied classics at Cornell University and received an M.Div. summa cum laude from Boston University School of Theology. A classically trained musician who draws on pop, folk, rock, jazz, and gospel, he has led musical worship for congregations of 5 to 20,000. He and his wife, Catherine, raised two children and live in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Author and speaker Beth Moore is a dynamic Bible teacher whose conferences take her across the globe. She has written numerous best-selling books and Bible studies and recently celebrated a landmark 25 years of Living Proof Live conferences and she’s still counting. She can be seen teaching Bible studies on the television program Living Proof with Beth Moore aired on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and YouTube. Beth and her husband Keith reside in the country just outside of Houston, Texas where they share a gleeful love of dogs and wildlife. She has two adult daughters she calls her best friends and an armful of grandchildren.
Glenn Packiam is the Lead Pastor of Rockharbor Church in Costa Mesa, California.
He is also the author of several books, including The Resilient Pastor, Blessed Broken Given, and the most recent title, co-authored with his wife, Holly, The Intentional Year.
He earned a Doctorate in Theology and Ministry from Durham University, and is a Senior Fellow at Barna Group, a Visiting Fellow at St. John’s College at Durham University, and an ordained priest with the Anglican Church of North America. Glenn has written over 65 worship songs published with Integrity Music, including “Your Name”, co-written with Paul Baloche.
Glenn and Holly have four children and live in Orange County, California.
Jay Pathak is the National Director of Vineyard USA, starting in January 2022. He also serves as the Lead Pastor of the Mile High Vineyard, a family of neighborhood churches in Denver, that he, Danielle, and a small team planted in 2001.
Jay co-wrote the book, The Art of Neighboring, with Dave Runyon. His passion for sharing his faith with the people around him is at the center of his calling. He is a humble, empowering leader who is passionate about raising up leaders around him. His strengths, in particular, lie in strategically placing people on teams where they thrive. Additionally, he regularly thinks of ministry in the context of culture and developing relationships and partnerships in the city, government, and across denominational lines.
Jay has led in various contexts throughout the Vineyard starting as an intern for Rich Nathan at the Columbus Vineyard in his early ministry days, and stretching into various positions of translocal leadership including serving on the Vineyard USA Executive Team for many years. He is a sought-after speaker and coach while keeping strong ties to the local community.
Jay has a BA in Philosophy from The Ohio State University and is a graduate of the Vineyard Leadership Institute.
Andy Crouch is partner for theology and culture at Praxis, a venture-building ecosystem advancing redemptive entrepreneurship. His writing explores faith, culture, and the image of God in the domains of technology, power, leadership, and the arts. He is the author of five books (plus another with his daughter, Amy Crouch): The Life We’re Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World, The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place, Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, and Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling.
Andy serves on the governing board of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. For more than ten years he was an editor and producer at Christianity Today, including serving as executive editor from 2012 to 2016. He served the John Templeton Foundation in 2017 as senior strategist for communication. His work and writing have been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, and several editions of Best Christian Writing and Best Spiritual Writing—and, most importantly, received a shout-out in Lecrae’s 2014 single “Non-Fiction.”
From 1998 to 2003, Andy was the editor-in-chief of re:generation quarterly, a magazine for an emerging generation of culturally creative Christians. For ten years he was a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Harvard University. He studied classics at Cornell University and received an M.Div. summa cum laude from Boston University School of Theology. A classically trained musician who draws on pop, folk, rock, jazz, and gospel, he has led musical worship for congregations of 5 to 20,000. He and his wife, Catherine, raised two children and live in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Author and speaker Beth Moore is a dynamic Bible teacher whose conferences take her across the globe. She has written numerous best-selling books and Bible studies and recently celebrated a landmark 25 years of Living Proof Live conferences and she’s still counting. She can be seen teaching Bible studies on the television program Living Proof with Beth Moore aired on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and YouTube. Beth and her husband Keith reside in the country just outside of Houston, Texas where they share a gleeful love of dogs and wildlife. She has two adult daughters she calls her best friends and an armful of grandchildren.
Glenn Packiam is the Lead Pastor of Rockharbor Church in Costa Mesa, California.
He is also the author of several books, including The Resilient Pastor, Blessed Broken Given, and the most recent title, co-authored with his wife, Holly, The Intentional Year.
He earned a Doctorate in Theology and Ministry from Durham University, and is a Senior Fellow at Barna Group, a Visiting Fellow at St. John’s College at Durham University, and an ordained priest with the Anglican Church of North America. Glenn has written over 65 worship songs published with Integrity Music, including “Your Name”, co-written with Paul Baloche.
Glenn and Holly have four children and live in Orange County, California.
Jay Pathak is the National Director of Vineyard USA, starting in January 2022. He also serves as the Lead Pastor of the Mile High Vineyard, a family of neighborhood churches in Denver, that he, Danielle, and a small team planted in 2001.
Jay co-wrote the book, The Art of Neighboring, with Dave Runyon. His passion for sharing his faith with the people around him is at the center of his calling. He is a humble, empowering leader who is passionate about raising up leaders around him. His strengths, in particular, lie in strategically placing people on teams where they thrive. Additionally, he regularly thinks of ministry in the context of culture and developing relationships and partnerships in the city, government, and across denominational lines.
Jay has led in various contexts throughout the Vineyard starting as an intern for Rich Nathan at the Columbus Vineyard in his early ministry days, and stretching into various positions of translocal leadership including serving on the Vineyard USA Executive Team for many years. He is a sought-after speaker and coach while keeping strong ties to the local community.
Jay has a BA in Philosophy from The Ohio State University and is a graduate of the Vineyard Leadership Institute.
Coritos Medley
Let Your Song Arise
Tu Fidelidad
Spirit Song
Isn’t He
You Are Here
Exalt The Lord
All The Earth Shall Worship
Father of Lights
Holy and Anointed One
Be The Centre
Refiners Fire (35th Anniversary)
Come And Fill Me Up
All Who Are Thirsty
I Love Your Presence
Just Like You Promised
You Meet Me Here
Faithful One
King of Heaven
Bless His Name
Sing His Name
Total Praise
Everything (Bless The Lord)
Free Worshipper
To Worship You I Live
All Things Rise
More Than Anything
Goodness of God
The “Time to Fly” Kids Conference for Elementary Kids (Grades 1-5) is designed to help kids discover five Kingdom identities that Jesus embodied, and have the opportunity to explore which one they personally identify with the most.
The Kingdom identities are: The Dreamer – dreamers gotta dream, The Revolutionary – release a revolution, The Peacemaker – lead the way, The Activist – be the change, The Artist – shine your light.
This year the Elementary program is all day!!
We will serve the Elementary Kids lunch as part of our program. Check-in opens 15 min prior to the start of the session and pick up begins immediately after the session ends.
Our sessions will include group worship experience, story/ministry, games, craft & snack. Lunch block has time for bounce house fun, game room, and chill. Make sure to wear your conference t-shirt everday with us!
If your child has any dietary restrictions, please send them with their own lunch.
7:30 – 9:30 PM
VKIDS TEAM DAY | Wear your conference T-Shirt, put on some VKids tattoos, and make some friendship bracelets to rep your small group!
9 AM – 5:30 PM
GOLDEN-GLOW DAY | We’re celebrating the Vineyard’s 50th birthday! Put on ALL the golden bling and get ready to partaayyy!
Lunch: Pizza & Dreamy Whip (GF Soft Serve; DF options available)
9 AM – 5:30 PM
WILD WEDNESDAY | In honor of Wild Ones (a new VK song), let’s get wild. Wear your wildest and wackiest outfit – animal prints encouraged… RAWRRR!
Lunch: Jimmy John’s Sandwiches & Sweet Treats
9 AM – 5:30 PM
TROPICAL THURSDAY | Break out your Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, and get ready to cool off!
Lunch: Boom Box Sliders (cheeseburger or hamburger) & Sweet Treats
Our Early Childhood program will include crafts, games, music, stories and free play centers. The little kids can play and learn each session in a safe, comfortable environment while enjoying a high quality program staffed by professionally trained childcare workers.
A special story and worship time will be led during each of the conference main sessions
in the childcare rooms.
The Early Childhood program runs on the traditional schedule
Parents pick up their child at 11:30 am and keep them for the lunch break. Kids can be checked back in at 2:45 pm. Check in opens 15 min prior to start of session/ pick up begins immediately after session ends.
Mon: 7:30 – 9:30 PM
Tues: 9 AM – 11:30 AM, 3 – 5:30 PM
Wed: 9 AM – 5:30 PM, 3 – 5:30 PM
Thurs: 9 AM – 5:30 PM, 3 – 5:30 PM
We’re stoked to have your teens here at the National Conference! Email Christian Dunn with any questions before the conference, or during the conference Samuel Worden at 402-302-1102 or samuel.worden@tvc.us
If you haven’t filled out a waiver for your teen, please do so now.
Mon Night: 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Tues Morning: 9 – 11:30 am (Color War & “Crews”)
Tues Afternoon: 3 – 5:30 pm
Wed: All Day Fun Day
Thurs Morning: 9 – 11:30 am (Color War, Worship, Panel, & “Crews”)
Thurs Afternoon: 3 – 5:30 pm
All day trip to Kings Island!
We’ve been watching the weather and tomorrow just isn’t looking good for King’s Island, so we’ve decided to pivot. Here is the new plan:
9:00 -11:30 am – Hang out at the Student Union Building (where youth normally meet). We’ll have free time to play all the games that are in the building (bball, soccer at indoor turf, ping pong, pool, foosball, video games, etc).
11:30 am – Get on buses and head to Main Event
12 – 5 pm – Main Event – we’ll spend the afternoon INDOORS at Main Event. Lunch will be provided and we will get unlimited games, bowling, laser tag, etc.
5:30 pm – Pick up at the church (right after the afternoon session)
Conversations helping us grow in life with Jesus and each other. A production of Vineyard USA, hosting guests from across the body of Christ and within the Vineyard movement.
In this episode of We Are Vineyard, Josh Williams talks with Reverend Gabriel Salguero about an impactful message from the books of Isaiah and Revelation that shapes his vocational journey as a bridge builder, emphasizing how justice and mercy are interwoven in the gospel. Revered Salguero shares about the reality of justice fatigue, the essential role of prayer in staying refreshed and grounded, and the importance of staying intimately connected to the local church. Finally, Josh and Reverend Salguero discuss the challenge of leading a national movement in a non-partisan way, and some of the current issues affecting the undocumented members of our churches.
The Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero—is pastor of The Gathering Place, a Latino-led multi-ethnic Assemblies of God congregation in Orlando, Florida. Salguero is also the president and founder of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NALEC), a national coalition of several thousand evangelical congregations in the United States. He was the former Director of the Hispanic Leadership Program (HLP), and the Institute for Faith and Public Life at Princeton Theological Seminary. Salguero is also a powerful voice on issues that affect the close to 9 million Latino evangelicals in the United States.
Salguero’s leadership through NaLEC offers an important voice for the growing diversity and changing demographics in our country. He has written extensively on Latino evangelicalism, immigration, racism, and multicultural congregations. Salguero has been named as one of the nation’s most prominent Latino evangelical leaders by the New York Times, Huffington Post, the New York Observer, the Center for American Progress, El Diario, CNN Español, NBC Universal, Univisión, and Jorge Ramos’s Al Punto. In addition, his leadership on issues of young male education and criminal justice reform has been featured by the Discovery Channel and the Oprah Winfrey Network. Rev. Salguero has served on the White House Faith-Based Advisory Council, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), and the National Advisory Council of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance. He is also on the board of La Asociación Evangélica Latina (AEL) the coalition of Latin American evangelicals which is the representative body for all evangelical associations in Latin America. Salguero holds a BA in Spanish and History from Rutgers University, and M.Div (magna cum laude) from New Brunswick Theological Seminary, and holds a Doctorate in Divinity (honoris causa) from Eastern Nazarene College. Rev. Salguero lives together with his wife, the Rev. Jeanette Salguero and their two sons in Orlando, Florida.
Show Notes:
National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NALEC)
Compassion International advocate for children and are committed to Jesus Christ in all that we do.
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